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Cleaning, tanks and cisterns
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Cabinets and cupboards
Cabinets, bathroom
Cabins, cottages and chalets, prefabricated
Cabins, cottages and chalets, prefabricated Select several companies then
Cable ducts
Cables and wires, electric and telephone
Cables, high-voltage
CAD/CAM Computer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Manufacturing - software
Cakes and pastries, factory-baked
Call centres
Calves and cattle, slaughter
Cameras, photographic
Camping and caravans - vehicles, parts and accessories
Camping equipment
Canvas for blinds and covers
Capital investment
Caps, metal
Car body repair shops - services
Car body repair shops - services Select several companies then
Car hire with driver
Car parks
Car rental
Car-ferries - lines
Carbon by-products
Cardboard for the packaging industry
Cardboard manufacture
Carded or combed artificial fibres
Cardigans and waistcoats
Carnival - articles
Carpentry - machinery and equipment
Carpets, handmade
Carpets, machine-made
Cars Select several companies then
Cars Select several companies then
Cars - electrical and electronic parts and components
Cars - electrical and electronic parts and components Select several companies then
Cartography Select several companies then
Carwash systems
Cases and chests - custom packaging
Cash registers
Casks and barrels, wood
Casks, barrels, drums and cans, plastic
Cast iron items
Cast iron, special grade
Cast iron, special grade Select several companies then
Casting, steel
Casting, steel Select several companies then
Castors for furniture Select several companies then
Catering - machinery and equipment
Catering for professional bodies
Catering services
Cattle, dairy
CD pressing
CD-ROM and DVD pressing
Ceilings, insulated
Ceilings, suspended
Celebrations and parties - articles and decorations
Cellulose wadding
Cement and additives
Central heating systems
Central purchasing office
Central purchasing office Select several companies then
Centrifugal pumps
Centrifugal pumps Select several companies then
Ceramics - tiling Select several companies then
Ceramics, handicraft
Ceramics, industrial
Ceramics, porcelain and earthenware - industrial products
Cereals and grains
Certified translators
Chains, plastic Select several companies then
Chambers of commerce and industry
Champagne and sparkling wines
Charcoal Select several companies then
Chemical and pharmaceutical industry - machinery and equipment
Chemical fertilizers
Chemical industry - machinery and equipment
Chemicals - import-export
Chemicals - import-export Select several companies then
Chemistry, inorganic - raw materials and derivatives
Chemistry, organic - raw materials and derivatives
Child care facilities
Child-care items
Childrenswear Select several companies then
Chimney flues, residential
Chocolates, filled
Cider and perry
Cisterns, plastic Select several companies then
Citrus fruits
Civil engineering - contractors
Civil engineering - contractors Select several companies then
Classrooms - rental Select several companies then
Clay and kaolin
Cleaning - buildings
Cleaning and maintenance - equipment and supplies
Cleaning and maintenance products, household
Cleaning and maintenance products, industrial
Cleaning companies
Cleaning machines, industrial
Cleaning products for information technology
Cleaning services
Cleaning, industrial
Cleaning, tanks and cisterns
Clock- and watchmaking
Clocks and time control, industrial
Clothes - second-hand
Clothes, children's and baby
Clothes, men's
Clothes, women's
Clothing - import-export
Clothing - import-export Select several companies then
Clothing accessories
Clothing industry - machinery and equipment
Clothing industry supplies
Clothing, fur
Coachbuilding - lorries Select several companies then
Coachbuilding - motor cars Select several companies then
Coaches - international travel
Coaching and career support organisation
Coated paper
Coating machinery
Coatings, insulating
Coatings, putties and sealing products
Coats and raincoats
Coats, fur
Cocoa and chocolate
Cocoa and chocolate Select several companies then
Coffee and tea
Coffee machines, domestic
Coffee machines, professional
Cold rooms
Collectors' items
Commercial and industrial linen
Commercial vehicle rental
Commercial vehicles - electrical and electronic components and parts
Commodity exchanges
Communication Select several companies then
Compactors and crushers
Compactors, construction industry Select several companies then
Components and parts for large household appliances
Components and parts for small household appliances
Composition, photocomposition and photoengraving
Compound-filled flexible leads
Compressed air tools and systems Select several companies then
Computer engineering
Computer graphics - Internet and Intranet services
Computer graphics publishing
Computers, home
Computers, home Select several companies then
Computers, home Select several companies then
Concrete blocks
Concrete constructions
Concrete forms
Concrete preparing - machinery and equipment
Concrete preparing - machinery and equipment Select several companies then
Concrete preparing - machinery and equipment Select several companies then
Concrete products and conglomerates
Concrete, ready-mixed
Concrete, ready-mixed Select several companies then
Condiments, extracts and spices
Congresses, seminars, receptions - organisation and services
Connectors, plumbing
Construction - portable power tools
Construction and production control
Construction control
Construction machinery
Construction site installations and equipment
Construction site installations and equipment Select several companies then
Construction, industrial - contractors
Construction, industrial - contractors Select several companies then
Construction, industrial - contractors Select several companies then
Consultants - construction and civil engineering
Consultants, financial analysis
Container rail transport
Container transport systems
Containers - maritime transport
Containers, air transport
Containers, metal
Contemporary art
Control boxes - electric
Control panels - electric
Control switches - electric
Convectors and radiators, domestic
Convectors and radiators, domestic Select several companies then
Conveyor systems
Conveyors, overhead and floor
Cooking and smoke-curing equipment for delicatessens
Cooling towers
Copper and copper alloys
Copper wires and cables
Cords and strings
Cork products
Corrugated cardboard
Corrugated cardboard Select several companies then
Corrugated cardboard Select several companies then
Cosmetic brushes
Cosmetics Select several companies then
Cosmetics industry - machinery and equipment
Costume jewellery
Costumes, traditional costumes and disguises
Cotton - threads and yarns
Cotton fabrics
Cotton fabrics Select several companies then
Crackers and snacks, salted
Cranes and gantries
Crates, plastic
Cream, sour
Creation and development of CD-ROMs and DVD
Creation and development of CD-ROMs and DVD Select several companies then
Credit and identification cards - production
Credit rating agencies
Crop services
Crushing and grinding machinery
Crystal glass
Crystal glassware
cultural services
Curtain rods
Custom design springs
Custom packaging
Custom packaging - companies
Customer relations management software CRM
Customized furniture
Cutlery, gold and silver
Cutting - machine tools
Cutting - steels and metals
Cylinders, hydraulic
Cylinders, hydraulic Select several companies then
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